Here are a few recent pictures of Aiden with his friends. He's becoming very good at sharing, with friends of the two legged and four legged kind...
Sean and our friends, Ali, Sean, Pat and Heidi Harapko were lucky enough to have tickets for the Presidential inauguration! Not only did they have tickets to the ceremony, but they also had tickets to the Commander-In-Chiefs Ball!
While visiting Maine over Christmas we spent a day at the Children's Museum in Bangor with GG, Uncle Raymond and Aunt Michelle.
This one is a little out of order, but we had Christmas Dinner at Aunt Michelle's house. Here's a family picture in front of the tree.
These are a long time coming...Finally, we've had a break in the action to update Aiden's Blog with Christmas photo's. He had so much fun in Maine visiting all his family and friends! You've already seen the snow pictures, now here are some from Christmas Day (I think Aiden actually took the one of Aunt Michelle and Uncle Steve...)
By the time we made it to Dumma and Dumpa's on Christmas Day Aiden was exhausted! Even with all the noise and excitement we transferred him from the car to Dumpa's sleeping chair easily. Here are some pic's of the Grand Opening along with his Aunt Amanda and friend Gideon.
Aiden had a great time playing with his cousin Thomas and cousin Andrea! He was so happy to see his GG every day and his Great Grammie and Great Grampie!