Monday, November 26, 2007

Farewell Sparky-man...

Sparky left us today to be in a better place. He had total kidney failure and was very anemic. He went very peacefully to sleep as we held him and pet him. Here are some of our favorite Sparky pictures...
Sparky Under the Covers
Sparky lounging around
His favorite spot in the Maryland house (in Sean's clothes)
Sparky didn't smoke much, just on special occasions :)
Sparky lounging around again!
Sparky's smile!
Upside down again!


Anonymous said...

:( God bless Sparky!! I am glad he went peacefully in his sleep:(
-Aunt Michelle

Aunt Janis said...

:`( I miss Sparky already! I am VERY glad he went peacefully. I just can't believe he is gone.

Aunt Janis

Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear about Sparky. He had a good home! I'm glad he got a chance to meet Aiden before he left.
Aunt Jane